Revista CARAS Uruguay !?

Sí, Berch.
Desde hoy en todos los kioskos. Porque no somos distintos. Porque este lado del río también importa. La farándula charrúa desnuda. Para saber lo que le pasa también al pueblo uruguayo. Conmovedoras historias de vida oriental.

Será posible que el informativista Martín Sarthou esté de novio con mi prima, la hermosísima modelo Eunís Castro?

Al flamante esposo de la hija de la hija de Páez Vilaró le gusta Diego Forlán?

Averígüelo con su canillita.


  1. Bijoy


    Hello, i just surfed in searching for interesting blogs on new seven wonders of the world, you have a cool blog. Do keep up the good work. i live far from where you are and its nice to be able to see what people from across the world thinks.

    Warm Regards from the Other Side of the Moon.

    On a related note perhaps you might find the following links interesting. we're reviewing the best among the competing 21 participants for the new 7 wonders competition. i'll like to hear your take on the subject via comments. i'll be back soon...

    The Kremlin and the Red Square
    Angkor Wat
    Eiffel Tower
    Hagia Sophia

    ps. if you have your own favourites list or if you'd like us to write about other wonders pls do mention about it in the comments.


    Kerala, India

  2. Anónimo


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    Este blog ha sido eliminado por un administrador de blog.
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